Tehran University Family Business Think Tank

Tehran University's Family Business Think Tank is a platform for introducing and promoting successful Iranian and international family business models and experiences, with the aim of improving the position of this type of business in the national GDP and ensuring sustainable employment among Iranian families. Based on this, the goals of Tehran University Family Business Think Tank are as follows:

1- Developing insight, knowledge and skills in the field of family businesses;
2- Strengthening and empowering family businesses;
3- Constructive activism for dialogue between university, industry (private sector) and government.

According to what was discussed, the target audience of this think tank are:

• Owners and managers of family businesses;
• Members of entrepreneurial families;
• Students and graduates;
• Researchers and experts in the field of business;
• policymakers and statesmen;
• All those interested in working in this field.

Manager of the Family Business think tank

Dr. Foujan Sabahi
🔹 Tehran University teacher

🔹 Social activist in the field of attracting people's contributions to support the university, students and researchers

🔹 Director of promotional affairs and discourse creation of the Khairin headquarters of the Ministry of Science

🔹 Secretary of think tank of philanthropists and social responsibilities of academicians of the Ministry of Science

🔹 CEO of Tehran University Governance Faculty Supporters Foundation

🔹 Adviser of the establishment of family faculty of Tehran University